


Synonyms and Antonyms of RAGE

to express one's anger usually violently <the bad call prompted the coach to rage about the refereeing, even throwing his clipboard at one referee>
Synonyms bristle, fume, storm
Related Words blow up, flare (up), flip (out) [slang]; bluster, carry on, fulminate, rampage, rant, rave, take on; burn, foam, seethe, smolder (or smoulder), steam; chafe, fret, stew
Phrases make a scene, run amok (or run amuck)
to be excited or emotionally stirred up with anger <still raging about his assistant's burnt pies, the pastry cook forgot to add the egg whites to his cake batter>
Related Words fulminate, rant, rave; smolder (or smoulder); bristle, flare (up), inflame (also enflame); chafe, fret, stew; agitate, convulse, roil, shake


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